Design: Joanne Lee | Animation: Joanne Lee
Tool: Procreate, Blender, After Effect
“You are immortal; you exist for billions of years in different manifestations, because you are life, and life cannot die. You are in the trees, the butterflies, the fish, the air, the moon, the sun. Wherever you go, you are there, waiting for yourself.”
– Don Miguel Rui
Designer / Illustrator
I created a series of animations to explore the concepts of loops, and the importance and effect they have on our lives. I want to talk about how difficult a routine can be, and how life often seems to be a big loop, but we should always take a second to appreciate where we are and how we got here.
This work is using Artivive.
Loop of Everyday
I tried to capture the magic of a monotonous daily routine with over the top animations and an art style. I wanted to capture the beauty of repeating tasks every day. While it may seem like you are stuck in a loop, you are actually growing day by day.
Loop of Universe
Here I created a loop at the largest scale possible. Armed with knowledge of astronomy, I visualized, while taking some creative liberty, a loop of the universe using the theory of the big bounce. An astronaut, falling into a black hole, sees the entire universe racing in fast forward as he waits to die, only to witness the birth of a new universe at the end.
Loop of Reflection
I playfully displayed how reflections can create loops, and I attempted to capture my journey as an artist and a designer. I created a kaleidoscope out of the viewer to make them reflect on themselves.